Proof of Transfer (PoX) Explained


When the initial release of Blockstack core was announced in 2015, it introduced a new concept of Blockchain over Blockchain. It used Bitcoin as an underlying Blockchain for the virtual Stacks Blockchain. It was a new concept. Blockstack had no intention of reinventing the wheel. Participants do not have to spend a tremendous amount of energy over mining instead it always believed that energy consumption should be reused. Proof of Transfer is the next step in this vision, with efficient consensus protocol and rewarding mechanism. Read more about Blockstack and Clarity.

Proof of Burn (PoB) in Stacks 1.0:

Stacks 1.0 Blockchain was launched back in 2018. In SIP-001 they announced that they’ll be using Proof of Burn (PoB) to process the transaction of virtual Stacks Blockchain over Bitcoin Blockchain.  

Every new block on the Stacks chain is chosen via cryptographic sortition (a function by which block is chosen after some cryptographic calculations). In every new Bitcoin block that gets mined, the burn from every participant is used to calculate “Probability distribution” (what is the percentage share of their burnt Bitcoins). "Verifiable random function (VRF)” (a cryptographic function which generates random verifiable outputs) does its sampling. The VRF gives us a random sample and that’s how it selects the winner. The winner collects the transaction fees as well as Stacks token in reward. 

Problem with PoB in Stacks 1.0:

Proof of Burn required participants to burn their Bitcoins to burn addresses, and in the initial days of the Stacks chain, the new cryptocurrency did not have enough value as the base cryptocurrency. So this bootstrapping can make miners unwilling to burn their Bitcoins. 

Proof of Transfer (PoX) in Stacks 2.0:


In January, Stacks 2.0 was introduced after the hard fork of Stacks 1.0. In SIP-007, a new consensus algorithm was introduced which is called Proof of Transfer(PoX). It generalizes the concept of PoB. Instead of sending Bitcoins to a burn address, miners send their base cryptocurrency to a set of predefined participants' addresses. 

This enabled the network participants to earn rewards in a base cryptocurrency for adding value to the new cryptocurrency. Also read: 5 Popular Consensus Algorithms used in Blockchain.

Selection of the winner:

The process of selecting a winning miner (i.e, the leader) is the same as it was in PoB (in stacks 1.0). Verifiable random function (VRF) generates a random sample using the “Probability distribution”. To calculate this, it uses the transfer of Bitcoins from every participant to a set of Bitcoin addresses. 

Determination of addresses:

In PoB mining the consensus algorithm didn’t need to determine an address where miners would transfer their Bitcoins. Because in every cycle it was burn address. 

However, in PoX, network participants must validate the addresses that they are transferring Bitcoins to. A set of Bitcoin addresses are iterated over in each reward cycle. In order to qualify for the reward cycle, an STX holder must:

How the reward cycle works:

In Stacks, Blockchain miners compete with one another by transferring Bitcoins to set Bitcoin addresses. Before every reward cycle, the Stacks network must reach a consensus on the valid recipients. As Stacks Blockchain has its own independent properties from Bitcoin Blockchain, this can lead to missing block data, experiencing forks etc. Because of which consensus becomes difficult. 

In order to overcome this problem, at the start of every phase two items are decided:

  1. Anchor block:
    The anchor block is a Stacks chain block.
  2. Reward set:
    This is a set of Bitcoin addresses that will receive the funds. Stacks chain state from anchor block determines the reward set. Reward set consists of Bitcoin addresses.

Verifiable random function (VRF) ensures that each miner has sent the reward to the same recipient addresses. If a miner sends funds which is not a valid address, the rest of the network ignores those transactions.
In order to reduce the complexity of the consensus algorithm, reward cycle lengths are fixed. If fewer addresses participate in the reward cycle then burn addresses fill the empty slots.


Proof of Transfer (PoX) bootstraps the concepts of PoB. This allowed participants who added value to the Stacks Blockchain to earn rewards. Other than that the participants can use these rewards to fund app mining. There’s still research going on to improve some factors of this consensus algorithm and one of those factors is how to increase bandwidth, as Stacks Blockchain uses Bitcoin transactions. One solution that has been a center of attention is “Lightning Channels” of Bitcoin Blockchain. In the future, there will be updates and many more things coming such as testnet for Stacks Blockchain.

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Writing Your First Smart Contract Using Clarity [Part 1]


Blockstack is a platform with a vision of building a decentralized internet. Users are in control of their identity and data. It is a revolutionary shift in how people could use the software, create it and can get benefit from the internet. It puts people back in control. 

As we know in today’s world, the need for a smart contract over Blockchain has become a necessity, so Blockstack came up with their own language and architecture to implement smart contract over Stacks Blockchain. 

They have introduced Clarity, through which we can write smart contracts to control digital assets over Stacks Blockchain. Digital assets include BNS names, Stacks Token and so forth.

What Is Clarity:

Clarity is different from other smart contract languages mainly in two ways:

The reason that Clarity is not intended to be compiled is to avoid compilation level bugs. Turing incompleteness makes it prone to smart contracts issues such as reentrancy attacks, halting, and transaction fees prediction.

Because of these differences, it allows the static analysis of programs which can be helpful to determine runtime cost and data usage over the Blockchain.

The architecture of Clarity smart contract consists of two parts; a data-space and set of functions. A smart contract may only modify data-space to which it is associated. All the functions are private unless they are defined public. 

Users can call a smart contract’s public function by broadcasting transactions on the Blockchain.

Just like Solidity and other smart contract languages, a contract can call public and read-only functions of another smart contract as well.

Basic Architecture Of Clarity:

Basic building blocks of Clarity are atoms and list. An atom is basically a number of strings or characters. For example:

Native functions, user-defined functions, values, and variables that are in the program can be an atom. In Clarity, if a function mutates data it is terminated with an ! exclamation point. For example: change-name!

The sequence of atoms enclosed with ( ) parenthesis is a List. A list can also contain other lists. For example:

[code language="javascript"]
(get-block info time 18)
(and ‘false ‘true)
(is-none? (get id (fetch-entry names-map (tuple (name \”clarity\”)))))

Clarity supports comments using ;; (double semicolons). Inline and standalone comments are supported.

[code language="javascript"]
;; Transfers tokens to a specified principal (principal is equivalent to Stacks address)

(define-public (transfer (recipient principal) (amount int) )

(transfer! Tx-sender recipient amount)) ;; returns: boolean

Language Limitations And Rules:

The Clarity smart contract has the following limitations:

Let's Write Or First Smart Contract Now!

As clarity will go live in the next Stacks Blockchain fork, you can run Clarity on a local virtual test environment. The environment can be run in a Docker container. Before you begin this tutorial, make sure you have Docker installed on your workstation.

Now, for our first smart contract, we will be writing a simple contract which takes an integer as an input and returns that same integer as an output. 

Task 1: Setting up the test environment:

  1. Pull the Blockstack core ‘clarity-developer-preview’ image from Docker Hub.

$ docker pull blockstack/blockstack-core:clarity-developer-preview

 2. Start the Blockstack Core test environment with a bash shell.

$ docker run -it -v $HOME/blockstack-dev-data:/data blockstack/blockstack-core:clarity-developer-preview bash

The command launches a container with the Clarity test environment and opens a bash shell into the container. The -v flag creates a local $HOME/blockstack-dev-data directory in your workstation and mounts it at the /data directory inside the container. The shell opens into the src/blockstack-core directory. This directory contains the source for a core and includes Clarity contract samples you can run.

 3. Make sure you have ‘nano’ and ‘sqlite3’ packages installed inside the container by running commands nano and sqlite3. If packages are not present you can easily install them using these commands.

$ apt-get update

$ apt-get install nano

$ apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Task 2: Writing the contract:

As you navigate to the path /src/blockstack-core and use ls to view the directories, you will see ‘sample_programs’ directory. This directory contains two sample contracts. We will write our contract in this directory. Let’s write!

  1. Make a .clar file using touch int_return.clar
  2. Copy and paste this contract code into that file using nano int_return.clar

[code language="javascript"]
(define-public (num-return (input int))

(begin (print (+ 2 input))

(ok input)))

This contract has a public function which can be invoked outside of the contract and takes an integer parameter and then returns the parameter. 

Task 3: Deploying and executing smart contract:

In this task, we will be interacting with our contract using ‘clarity-cli’ command line.

1. Initialize a new ‘db’ database in /data/ directory using this command

$ clarity-cli initialize /data/db

You will see the response ‘Database created’. The command creates an SQLite database. 

2. Type check the int_return contract, to see if there are no errors.

$ clarity-cli check int_return.clar /data/db

As a result of the above command, you will see message ‘Checks passed’

3. Generate a new address for your contract, this address will be used to name your contract at launch time. Now you can use this command:

$ clarity-cli generate_address


4. Add your address in the environment variable.


5. Launch the int_return contract and assign it to your DEMO_ADDRESS address. You use the launch command to instantiate a contract on the Stacks Blockchain.

$ clarity-cli launch $DEMO_ADDRESS.int_return int_return.clar /data/db

So, you will see ‘Contract initialized!’ message. In short, the contract is now deployed on the Blockchain

6. Now it’s time to run our smart contract’s public function num-return by using this command:

$ clarity-cli execute /data/db $DEMO_ADDRESS.int_return num-return $DEMO_ADDRESS 8

Therefore, you will see this response;

‘Transaction executed and committed. Returned: 8’


To sum up, you have deployed your first smart contract on the Stacks Blockchain using Clarity and clarity-cli on your local test environment. So, kudos to you! You can now view the transactions and block data from the database using ‘sqlite3’ cli. 

Xord can help you build Blockchain projects and give you free Blockchain consultation, connect with us and get started now!
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