OpenSea: A Walk To NFT Marketplace

OpenSea is a decentralized peer-to-peer marketplace to buy, sell and trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs). OpenSea markets itself as the largest NFT marketplace. Therefore, It is worth walking to explore the world of OpenSea and discover what it offers in the trade of NFT.

This article will take you through the questions like what OpenSea is, And what is the user journey in the platform.

What Is OpenSea?

With the surging popularity of CryptoKitties, Devin Finzer and Alex Atallah decided to create a decentralized platform to trade NFT. Hence, in 2018, OpenSea was formed. Since then, OpenSea is witnessing significant growth in the NFT market. Artwork by Beeple for $70 million and flying Pop-Tarts rainbow cat for $600,000 is trading on OpenSea.

The Growth rate of OpenSea is astonishing. OpenSea in March 2021, recorded $82.5 million in transaction volume.

Recently Logan Paul has announced the launch of his first NFT on Twitter, with networth of over $3.5 million. These announcements from influencers are adding fuel to the burning fire. 

NFTs acquire huge significance for Digital art. They are non-replicable digital assets which require a unique marketplace for its trade. Thats where OpenSea came into play. But before we take a deep dive into the OpenSea marketplace. If you still have some ambiguity regarding NFTs you may read more on this.

OpenSea, The Largest NFT Marketplace

OpenSea is like an amazon for NFTs. It has millions of unique digital assets. Besides having digital art it has multiple categories of collectibles, games items, music and other digital representations of physical assets.

Setting Up Your wallet

Wallet is a tool to connect with the blockchain, and to store, buy, and sell NFT. One thing to remember here is that OpenSea doesn’t provide the infrastructure to store the assets. So we need to connect with the external wallet. In this case we are using MetaMask. 

Trading On OpenSea

Trading on OpenSea is more to rely on smart contracts than the counterparty. You don’t need to trust the buyer or the third party. This is because OpenSea uses the Wyvern protocol. This protocol enables the swap to change the state of NFT ownership as soon as the seller receives the cryptocurrency ownership.

Connecting To OpenSea

After setting up the wallet, now it's time to connect with OpenSea and discover the world of it. To do so, click on the top right corner, then my profile, select MetaMask, sign in and follow the instructions in your wallet.

Creating Collections

Your page is empty for now. To create one, you can click on create, fill the description and hit Add. You can now see your collections at the window.

Searching For NFTs On OpenSea

The marketplace option is the heart of OpenSea. You can search for any NFT by typing name or can use various filter options.

Creating NFTs

To create your first NFT, click on the Add new Item. A new window will be open. You can add your metadata such as images/audio/video files with the NFT name below. You can also add external links and descriptions of the NFT.

This method can create only one NFT at a time. However, if you want to make multiple versions of the same artwork you can add the Edition numbers in the stats below.

You can also add unlockable content such as high-resolution files and private keys of Physical assets to ensure security. Once you are satisfied, you click on create and a new window of your NFT statistics will be open.

Buying NFTs On OpenSea

To buy NFT you first need to buy ETHs. Users also need to ensure that they accommodate gas cost by themselves.

Once you have finished purchasing ETH, bid on the NFT you intend to buy. You can also follow the auction. If you are the highest bidder in the auction you’ll get the NFT.

OpenSea Fee

OpenSea claims to charge the lowest fee in the NFT space. They take 2.5% of the sales price. There are no service charges for buyers.  You can learn more about their gas fee structure from here .

The Future Of NFT

The NFT market is growing vigorously and it can only be limited by imagination.There is no doubt that the NFT markets such as OpenSea and Rarible are poised to prosper in future.

Recently, AIRNFTs build on Binance smart chain has also launched. Apart from that has also announced a partnership with the polygon to offer an unstoppable storage solution for NFTs marketplace.

Also read about blockchain architecture.

IPFS: A Basic Guide To Store And Access Your Data


So you probably already know about IPFS(Interplanetary File system) and how awesome it is. But, if not, it’s a peer-to-peer distributed file system used to store and access files, websites, applications, etc. The unique thing about it is that your data is not just stored on servers but stored in various computers around the world in various chunks. IPFS seems to be a very interesting concept to learn about, but, a bit scary to actually start using. Despite that, using IPFS is very simple. Anyone who even has slight know-how of the command line can use it.
So here we will be implementing IPFS first in the command line and then using the JavaScript package ipfs-core.

IPFS Command Line


For this tutorial, we will be implementing IPFS using Ubuntu. 

To implement IPFS on the command line you need go-ipfs. You can either download go-ipfs Or you can just execute the following command in your terminal.

$ wget

At the time of writing this, the latest version is 0.7.0. If there is a newer version you can download that instead. 

After downloading go-ipfs you will have a .gz file, you will need to extract the file. You can do that easily by opening the terminal in the directory where the .gz file is located and execute it using the following command.

$ tar -xvzf go-ipfs_v0.7.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz

This will extract the go-ipfs folder. Now to install IPFS first traverse into the folder.

$ cd go-ipfs

Inside you will find an file, you just need to execute it using sudo bash.

$ sudo bash

With this, you have installed IPFS successfully. You verify this through the following command.

$ ipfs --version

> ipfs version 0.7.0

After this, you need to do one last thing before you can start using IPFS properly and that is initializing your ipfs repository. IPFS stores all its configuration and internal files in this directory and if you are using it for the first time you will need to initialize that first. 

You can do that simply, by using

$ ipfs init


With this, your repository has been initialized and the Merkle-DAG hash of your repository has also been generated. In case you are wondering what a Merkle-DAG is, it stands for Merkle Direct Acyclic Graph. DAG is a graph consisting of various nodes connected to each other with direction and Merkle-DAG is the root hash of all the nodes. Since IPFS breaks our files into different chunks, it uses DAG as a manner of storing the file in a secured way such that retrieving it would be easily possible. 

 You can use this generated hash to view the contents of the ipfs readme file and quickstart file present in the directory. You can read them using the "ipfs cat" command.

$ ipfs cat /ipfs/<your directory hash>/readme

$ ipfs cat /ipfs/<your directory hash>/quick-start

You have now successfully installed and set up ipfs in your command line. Now you are ready to store and retrieve files from the IPFS network.

Adding and Reading Files:

Now let's begin using IPFS by creating a Hello_World.txt file, adding it to the network, and reading its content. You can upload files to IPFS by using the "ipfs add" command. Execute the following lines.

$ echo “Hello World” >Hello.txt

$ ipfs add Hello.txt

You have now successfully uploaded your Hello.txt file to the IPFS network and have been given a unique Merkle-DAG of your file which you can use to access data and give it to your friends so they too can get your file.
You can read your file using the "ipfs cat" command  

$ ipfs cat <your Merkle DAG>

This outputs the content of the file which in this case is “Hello World”. Similarly, go to a different directory and execute

$ ipfs get <your Merkle DAG>

The "ipfs get" command can retrieve any file from the IPFS, given it is available. You now have the Hello_World file having its name as the MerkDAG of the file.

Now let’s try something, here is the hash to my desktop wallpaper QmYA2fn8cMbVWo4v95RwcwJVyQsNtnEwHerfWR8UNtEwoE

Try retrieving it using "ipfs get", you would probably be getting the following message.

So far what we have been doing is just creating our files and notifying our ipfs client where to find our file. For us, that is simple since the file in question is located on our local storage, hence, fetching that is easy. However, for other users that won’t be possible since we haven't connected our client to the IPFS network and notified everyone where our files are located. The same applies to us, the reason we can't find this file is that we are not connected to the ipfs network and our ipfs can only search our local storage where the file is not available. To connect to the ipfs network we need to start a daemon process which we can do with the following command.

$ ipfs daemon

You will see the following messages.

Once its daemon is ready let's try fetching the file which I was trying to share.

$ ipfs get QmYA2fn8cMbVWo4v95RwcwJVyQsNtnEwHerfWR8UNtEwoE

This may take some time depending upon your geographical distance from the hosted file, but eventually, you will be able to get the file. As mentioned above it is my desktop's wallpaper so feel free to use it as you wish.

That concludes our tutorial on the basic usage of IPFS for adding and fetching files using the command line. You can simply enter "ipfs" on the command line to view all its commands with descriptions. Now let’s try to do the same with the IPFS JS package ‘ipfs-core’.

IPFS-JS Library:

If you are a developer you will most probably prefer doing all the above tasks through your javascript code rather than the command line. So for that, we have npm package called "ipfs-core". You can install that using the following command.

$ npm install ipfs-core 

This package requires a node version of 12.0.0 or higher. If you attempt to use it with an older version you will be able to install it but while using it, errors may occur.

Let’s start by connecting to the ipfs network. First, create an ipfs instance for us to interact with and get its version.

const IPFS = require('ipfs-core')
const ipfs = await IPFS.create()
const version = await ipfs.version()

Now with this ipfs instance, we can execute all the command line(add, cat, view) functionalities. Let's start with adding an ipfs Hello World file.

const IPFS = require('ipfs-core')

async function main(){
 const ipfs = await IPFS.create()
 const fileAdded = await ipfs.add({
   path: './Hello_World.txt',
   content: 'Hello'
 console.log('Added file:', fileAdded.path)

This will simply create a file named Hello_World.txt with Hello in its content.

However, this way we can only insert text files to the IPFS, what if you want to upload an image or a video? For that, we need some help from the js package ‘fs’. 

const IPFS = require('ipfs-core')
const fs = require('fs')
async function main(){
 const ipfs = await IPFS.create()
 fs.readFile('<Your File Path>', async function(err, data) {
   const fileAdded = await ipfs.add({
     path: '<path of the file you want on the IPFS>',
     content: data
 console.log('Added file:', fileAdded.path)

You can always view the files you are uploading using their Merkle-DAG in the "ipfs get" command or you can also view by visiting the

You can also do that by using ‘ipfs-core’. The following code gets the content from our uploaded file.

const IPFS = require('ipfs-core')
async function main(){
const ipfs = await IPFS.create()
 const chunks = []
 for await (const chunk of'QmVZdicceMroeHLYiVvCc2CkPzrR5uoHF4Ks9uFhSyhX8z/Hello_World.txt')) {
 console.log('file contents:', chunks.join())

And that concludes our tutorial for implementing IPFS using the JS library.


And so with that, we have covered how to add, view, and retrieve files using IPFS. As a basic user, this is all that you need but there are deeper concepts in IPFS worth exploring such as Pinning, IPNS, and IPFS Buckets. We shall explore these concepts in detail in the future where I will make part 2 explaining how to make IPFS buckets. 

Also Read How To Deploy The Subgraph.

Xord is a Blockchain development company providing Blockchain solutions to your business processes. Connect with us for your projects and free Blockchain consultation at https://

The Graph Network [Part - II] - Deploying the Subgraph


In the Introduction to The Graph network part I, we learned about The Graph network, subgraphs, and how The Graph network is intended to operate in the future.

In this part, we’ll be looking at how to deploy a subgraph and how to query it.

However we won’t be creating our own node, we will be using the hosting service provided by The Graph.

Using Hosting Service Of The Graph:

Before we create a subgraph, we need a place for it to exist on, in our case we are using the hosting service of The Graph network. 

Create Account:

In order to do that the first important thing is having an account on graph explorer.

Hosting service of the The Graph

Just sign in to your GitHub account and click sign up with Github.

After you sign up, go to the dashboard.

Hosting service of the The Graph

Add a subgraph:

Hosting service of the The Graph

To add a subgraph, click on the add subgraph button.

You will be prompted to a page like the following snippet.

Hosting service of the The Graph

I’ll explain the relevant fields only.

Then click create subgraph.

This way we have an end-point to create the subgraph on.

Now you are all set up on The Graph Networks side, we will now move to our system’s terminal and proceed with deploying the subgraph from there.

Deploying the Subgraph:

From here on all commands are to be entered in your system terminal.

Installing The Graph cli

On your system, install the cli globally using either yarn or npm

$ npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli

$ yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli

There are instances when installation from yarn globally doesn't work.

Just use

$ export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH"

Initiating the Graph

To create the graph, run the following command

$ graph init

Then the console will prompt for information.

After you enter the relevant data, the cli will fetch the ABI from etherscan, You can enter the local path of ABI as well.

The end result will be as follows:

Deploying the Subgraph

Understanding the file structure:

Once the subgraph is initiated, default files will show up in your directory.

It consists of:

After you edit the schema and subgraph.yaml file, use the command 

$ yarn codegen

This command will generate or update the auto-generated files

Then make relevant changes to the mapping file.

To save those changes run

$ yarn build

Deploying the Subgraph:

To deploy the subgraph first we need to authenticate with the hosted service. To do that copy the access token from the dashboard.

Deploying the Subgraph

Then run the following command

$ graph auth <your access token>

Go inside your subgraph directory by simply running

$ cd <directory name>

Then a simple command will deploy the subgraph

$ yarn deploy 

Keeping track of progress:

Once a subgraph is deployed, the graph node will sync, the progress can be tracked via the dashboard.

This syncing starts from the genesis block however it is a more practical approach to give start block property, in this way the subgraph will start syncing from the starting block to the recently mined blocks. 

Deploying the Subgraph

Redeploying the subgraph:

If you make a change in the subgraph files, you can redeploy it on the same endpoint by using the same command of:

$ yarn deploy

Subgraph Versions:

When a subgraph is deployed for the first time, it has no version, however, when subgraphs are updated they exist in two states. The current version holds the initial state of the subgraph. While the updating / syncing version falls under the pending version category. 

Querying the Subgraph:

GraphQL is used to query the subgraph.

You can query any subgraph you own, or the subgraphs lying on the explorer. You can even query the subgraphs which aren’t on explorer, all you need is the Query link.

Deploying the Subgraph

In the above snippet, a simple query to fetch all balances and their id where balance is greater than 0 is taking place. The results can be seen as well. In the schema column, lies the entities present in your schema. 

In cli installation, I mentioned that you can install it using either yarn or npm. But The Graph installs dependency using yarn, which is why, even if you install the package using npm, to deploy and build subgraph you still have to use the yarn package. 


This article covers all you need to know about deploying the subgraph. Now you can create and deploy subgraphs on any contract of your liking. 

Uniswap, Airswap, Opium Network, Sabier, and many other services hosted their subgraphs on The Graphs hosting service as well.

Xord will help you integrate your business processes with Blockchain technology. Follow the link to connect with us:

Deep Dive into Azure Blockchain for Enterprise Blockchain Solutions [Part 3]

This is the last part of the Azure Blockchain for Enterprise Blockchain Solution series. In the first two parts, we learned about consortium networks and smart contracts deployment on Azure Blockchain. In this part, we will particularly explore Azure Blockchain Our Workbench and its power to make Blockchain enterprise-friendly. As explained in the previous series, Azure Blockchain Our Workbench lubricates the development process of Blockchain applications by integration with various Azure services. It leverages the Blockchain by easing the process of sharing data and processes among organizations. Following are some major features of Azure Blockchain Our Workbench:

      1. Identity Management

Azure Active Directory manages the identity of the members of the Blockchain network by mapping real and simple identities e.g emails with the complex addresses of Blockchain. Also, Azure Blockchain Our Workbench provides you with the flexibility to invite other members to the consortium network by simple invites on emails. Keys are managed and stored in Azure Key Vault that automatically encrypts transactions on behalf of the members without exposing the keys to Microsoft or any other third-party.

      2. User Roles Management

The administrator can manage the roles of members in a consortium network who possess the permission to create smart contracts in the network.

      3. Off-Chain Storage

Provides the flexibility to stores the on-chain data off-chain as well in relational databases for data analysis 

      4. API Management

It provides easy integration with other applications by enabling the use of APIs for accessing Blockchain services.

As now you have got a basic understanding of what Azure Blockchain Our Workbench is, let's get straight into the fun part and deploy Our Workbench in your Azure Portal to explore things in action.

Deploy Azure Blockchain Our Workbench:

In your Azure Portal navigate to create a resource → Blockchain → Azure Blockchain Our Workbench. 


  1. Choose a unique identifier for your deployment in Resource prefix.
  2. Now, choose your VM username.
  3. Choose the Authentication type as a password and set your password for connecting to VM.
  4. Set a password for accessing the database that is created as part of the deployment.
  5. Choose your deployment region, subscription, resource group and location accordingly.

Sample Deployment:

Advanced Settings:

  1. Choose the option of creating a new Blockchain network. It will set up a network of PoA Ethereum nodes managed by a single subscriber. If you want to use an existing Ethereum proof-of-authority network, you need to add the RPC endpoint URL here. 
  2. Choose Azure Blockchain Service Pricing Tier.
  3. We are going to set up Azure Active Directory settings later, so choose the Add later option.
  4. Choose DS1 v2 for VM as we are doing it for learning purposes

Sample Deployment:

azure blockchain workbench

View the summary and complete your deployment. Your deployment may take up to 90 minutes.

Post Deployment:

After your deployment is completed, navigate to the resource groups and choose the resource group in which you have deployed the Azure Blockchain Our Workbench. In the OverView tab, under the Type Filter column, only check the ‘App Service’. There are two deployments in total with type App Service. Choose the one that is without API.

azure blockchain workbench

In its OverView tab in the top right corner, you’ll find the URL for your Azure Blockchain Our Workbench. Copy it and paste it in the browser. 

azure blockchain workbench

After that, you’ll be headed to a welcome page of Our Workbench asking you to do some additional setups. These steps are important to set up the Azure Active Directory as we had chosen the ‘Add Later’ option during the Azure Blockchain Our Workbench deployment.

Azure Active Directory Tenant Setup:

Azure Active Directory basically allows you to manage users and roles associated with your resources in Azure. Here we need to give users access to create applications in Azure Blockchain Our Workbench. So let's see how we can do that.

Step 1: Launch Cloud Shell

Copy the URL you find in the dashboard of Azure Blockchain Our Workbench and choose the option of Launching Cloud Shell.

Step 2: Create an Azure Active Directory Tenant

After launching the Cloud Shell, choose your Azure account and then choose the option of PowerShell from PowerShell and bash. This will open a Powershell Command Prompt for you. In this command prompt, paste the URL you copied from your Azure Blockchain Our Workbench dashboard. After entering the URL, it will ask you to enter the link of the Azure Active Directory Tenant. Now to create Azure Active Directory Tenant in Azure follow the following steps:

Step 3: Enter The Code

Navigate to the output URL and paste the code that is output on the PowerShell window after entering your Azure Active Directory Tenant Name.

Step 4: Grant Permission

After entering the code, you’ll see the success message in your PowerShell after several messages. Now refresh your Azure Blockchain Our Workbench URL, you’ll be asked to grant permissions. Check the box of ‘’consent on behalf of your organization’’ here.

azure blockchain workbench

After that, your Azure Blockchain Our Workbench will be refreshed and you can use it to create new applications in the Our Workbench. You can also add a user to your Our Workbench and giving them access to create and interact with your application.

To add users go to Azure Active Directory → App Registrations.

Here you will find your Blockchain Our Workbench application. Click on that and go to the link under “Managed application in local directory”

azure blockchain directory

Clicking on that link will take you to the dashboard where you can assign users and groups and manage them accordingly.


That’s all for the final part of this series for building enterprise Blockchain solutions. The goal of the series was to give the readers an idea and overview of the different notable Blockchain services in Azure and the basics of their deployment. There is yet too much to explore individually in each of these services so you could choose the best service fit depending upon your enterprise needs.

Check out the whole series on Azure Blockchain for Enterprise Blockchain Solutions here: or contact Xord @https:// for Blockchain projects and free consultation.

Writing Your First Smart Contract Using Clarity [Part 1]


Blockstack is a platform with a vision of building a decentralized internet. Users are in control of their identity and data. It is a revolutionary shift in how people could use the software, create it and can get benefit from the internet. It puts people back in control. 

As we know in today’s world, the need for a smart contract over Blockchain has become a necessity, so Blockstack came up with their own language and architecture to implement smart contract over Stacks Blockchain. 

They have introduced Clarity, through which we can write smart contracts to control digital assets over Stacks Blockchain. Digital assets include BNS names, Stacks Token and so forth.

What Is Clarity:

Clarity is different from other smart contract languages mainly in two ways:

The reason that Clarity is not intended to be compiled is to avoid compilation level bugs. Turing incompleteness makes it prone to smart contracts issues such as reentrancy attacks, halting, and transaction fees prediction.

Because of these differences, it allows the static analysis of programs which can be helpful to determine runtime cost and data usage over the Blockchain.

The architecture of Clarity smart contract consists of two parts; a data-space and set of functions. A smart contract may only modify data-space to which it is associated. All the functions are private unless they are defined public. 

Users can call a smart contract’s public function by broadcasting transactions on the Blockchain.

Just like Solidity and other smart contract languages, a contract can call public and read-only functions of another smart contract as well.

Basic Architecture Of Clarity:

Basic building blocks of Clarity are atoms and list. An atom is basically a number of strings or characters. For example:

Native functions, user-defined functions, values, and variables that are in the program can be an atom. In Clarity, if a function mutates data it is terminated with an ! exclamation point. For example: change-name!

The sequence of atoms enclosed with ( ) parenthesis is a List. A list can also contain other lists. For example:

[code language="javascript"]
(get-block info time 18)
(and ‘false ‘true)
(is-none? (get id (fetch-entry names-map (tuple (name \”clarity\”)))))

Clarity supports comments using ;; (double semicolons). Inline and standalone comments are supported.

[code language="javascript"]
;; Transfers tokens to a specified principal (principal is equivalent to Stacks address)

(define-public (transfer (recipient principal) (amount int) )

(transfer! Tx-sender recipient amount)) ;; returns: boolean

Language Limitations And Rules:

The Clarity smart contract has the following limitations:

Let's Write Or First Smart Contract Now!

As clarity will go live in the next Stacks Blockchain fork, you can run Clarity on a local virtual test environment. The environment can be run in a Docker container. Before you begin this tutorial, make sure you have Docker installed on your workstation.

Now, for our first smart contract, we will be writing a simple contract which takes an integer as an input and returns that same integer as an output. 

Task 1: Setting up the test environment:

  1. Pull the Blockstack core ‘clarity-developer-preview’ image from Docker Hub.

$ docker pull blockstack/blockstack-core:clarity-developer-preview

 2. Start the Blockstack Core test environment with a bash shell.

$ docker run -it -v $HOME/blockstack-dev-data:/data blockstack/blockstack-core:clarity-developer-preview bash

The command launches a container with the Clarity test environment and opens a bash shell into the container. The -v flag creates a local $HOME/blockstack-dev-data directory in your workstation and mounts it at the /data directory inside the container. The shell opens into the src/blockstack-core directory. This directory contains the source for a core and includes Clarity contract samples you can run.

 3. Make sure you have ‘nano’ and ‘sqlite3’ packages installed inside the container by running commands nano and sqlite3. If packages are not present you can easily install them using these commands.

$ apt-get update

$ apt-get install nano

$ apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Task 2: Writing the contract:

As you navigate to the path /src/blockstack-core and use ls to view the directories, you will see ‘sample_programs’ directory. This directory contains two sample contracts. We will write our contract in this directory. Let’s write!

  1. Make a .clar file using touch int_return.clar
  2. Copy and paste this contract code into that file using nano int_return.clar

[code language="javascript"]
(define-public (num-return (input int))

(begin (print (+ 2 input))

(ok input)))

This contract has a public function which can be invoked outside of the contract and takes an integer parameter and then returns the parameter. 

Task 3: Deploying and executing smart contract:

In this task, we will be interacting with our contract using ‘clarity-cli’ command line.

1. Initialize a new ‘db’ database in /data/ directory using this command

$ clarity-cli initialize /data/db

You will see the response ‘Database created’. The command creates an SQLite database. 

2. Type check the int_return contract, to see if there are no errors.

$ clarity-cli check int_return.clar /data/db

As a result of the above command, you will see message ‘Checks passed’

3. Generate a new address for your contract, this address will be used to name your contract at launch time. Now you can use this command:

$ clarity-cli generate_address


4. Add your address in the environment variable.


5. Launch the int_return contract and assign it to your DEMO_ADDRESS address. You use the launch command to instantiate a contract on the Stacks Blockchain.

$ clarity-cli launch $DEMO_ADDRESS.int_return int_return.clar /data/db

So, you will see ‘Contract initialized!’ message. In short, the contract is now deployed on the Blockchain

6. Now it’s time to run our smart contract’s public function num-return by using this command:

$ clarity-cli execute /data/db $DEMO_ADDRESS.int_return num-return $DEMO_ADDRESS 8

Therefore, you will see this response;

‘Transaction executed and committed. Returned: 8’


To sum up, you have deployed your first smart contract on the Stacks Blockchain using Clarity and clarity-cli on your local test environment. So, kudos to you! You can now view the transactions and block data from the database using ‘sqlite3’ cli. 

Xord can help you build Blockchain projects and give you free Blockchain consultation, connect with us and get started now!
Link: https://

Deep Dive into Azure Blockchain for Enterprise Blockchain Solutions [Part 2]

The essence of building Azure Blockchain-based solutions is a 3-Step simple approach for leveraging Blockchain for businesses with easy integration of components. Azure Blockchain facilitates to automate most of the part for developers, hence assisting the developers to directly focus on building their Blockchain application logic. Here is the 3-Step approach that is crucial to Blockchain development with Azure:

Choose the Underlying Network:

Building the foundation of your Blockchain network by choosing a consortium network. Azure Blockchain Service provides you with the flexibility to deploy pre-configured templates of consortium networks. Azure Blockchain provides support for almost every popular consortium network including Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, Ethereum PoA, Quorum etc.

Model Smart Contracts

Once you choose a network, you need to build your Blockchain application logic on the top of that. For that very purpose, Azure Blockchain provides you with Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Visual Studio Code. Azure Blockchain Development kit assists the testing of smart contracts and deployment of smart contracts on Azure Blockchain networks, public networks like Ethereum or even locally deploying the smart contracts on Ganache.

Extending Your Application

After setting your Blockchain network and modelling the smart contracts you need an additional layer to interact with these smart contracts and writing or reading data from the ledger. Azure Blockchain Our Workbench accelerates the development process by providing support for extending your Blockchain application. It also provides the flexibility to integrate your Blockchain application with the existing apps and databases that your business uses already.

In Part 1 of Azure Blockchain for Enterprise Blockchain solutions series, we had exercised Step 1 of this three-step approach and launched an Ethereum Proof-of-Authority (PoA) network on Azure. Now, in the second part of the series, we will further learn about writing and deploying a simple smart contract on the Ethereum PoA network that we had deployed in Part 1.

In this article we will look at the following two methods for deploying your smart contracts on Ethereum PoA network:

If you want to deploy the smart contract for learning and testing purposes, it’s preferred to go with the first method that is using Remix (a browser IDE for compiling, testing and deploying smart contracts). However, if you are developing a product with Azure Ethereum PoA, it is advisable to go with the second method as Truffle provides you with a fine structure for managing the different components of your Blockchain application. 

In this tutorial, we are going to explore both the methods with a very simple test smart contract deployment on Ethereum PoA. So let's get started with the fun part.

Method 1 of 2: Using Remix for deploying smart contracts to Azure Ethereum PoA

There are no prerequisites for this method except the Metamask extension that you must already have installed if you have followed the first part of this Azure Blockchain series. 

Step 1: Writing Smart Contract

Navigate to and click on the (+) button at the top left to add a new smart contract. Name the smart contract as “news.sol”. Now copy the following smart contract in your “news.sol” file:

[code language="javascript"]

pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <=0.6.0;
contract News{
struct newsFeed{
address publisher;
string newsDesc;
mapping(uint => newsFeed) public newsFeeds;
uint public newsCount;

function addNews(string memory _newsDesc) public {
newsFeeds[newsCount].publisher = msg.sender;
newsFeeds[newsCount].newsDesc = _newsdesc;


This is a very simple contract I have written for testing purposes. The mapping in solidity is like an associative array that maps the integer index with newsfeed structure here. Every time you add a piece of new news that is a simple string, the newscount is incremented, that is used as an index to access and store data in the newsfeed structure. Msg.sender in solidity denotes the Ethereum address of the caller of the contract.

So now as you have written your smart contract, navigate to the solidity compiler in the left pane in Remix and compile your contract.

Your smart contract will hopefully compile without any errors if you’re not at bad luck today.

Step 2: Deploying smart contract on Ethereum PoA

As your smart contract has compiled successfully it is ready to get deployed on the network that in our case is Ethereum Proof-of-Authority Network on Azure. Now in part 1 of this series after deploying the Ethereum PoA we got the deployment outputs containing the field like Ethereum RPC, admin site etc. So now we are going to use the deployment outputs here to deploy our smart contract on the network.

In your Azure Portal navigate to ResourceGroup→ Deployments→ Microsoft-azure-blockchain…→ Outputs and copy the Ethereum RPC endpoint to your keyboard.

Azure Portal navigate to ResourceGroup
Azure Portal navigate to ResourceGroup

RPC in the Blockchain is a data exchange protocol that allows for communication between your browser and your Blockchain network or node.

Now let's add this Ethereum RPC endpoint in Metamask so we can deploy the smart contract to Ethereum PoA network from Remix. Open Metamask extension in the browser and navigate to Settings→ Networks→ Add Network and paste the RPC endpoint you just copied into New RPC URL field. Adding into this field will connect your Metamask to Ethereum PoA network.

Once your Ethereum PoA network is connected, navigate to the “Deploy & run transactions” pane in Remix and click on Deploy.

Deploy and run transactions
Deploy and run transactions

This will successfully deploy your smart contract on your Ethereum PoA network. You can now view your contract in the Deployed Contracts section of remix and can interact with it by adding into the fields.

Deployed contracts section
Deployed contracts section

Method 2 of step 2: Using Truffle and HD Wallet Provider

In this method, you are going to use truffle for deploying your contracts. You need the following prerequisites for this method:

  1. Truffle Suite: Client-based Ethereum development environment
  2. Any code editor of your choice. However, if you are working with Azure Blockchain I would suggest you go with VS code as it allows you to interact with your network using Azure Blockchain Development that comes handy.

So now let's deploy our smart contract on Ethereum PoA using Truffle step-by-step.

Step 1: Create a Truffle Project

Run your command prompt as an administrator, navigate to the folder in which you want to create the truffle project and type the following command:

Truffle init

This will set a project layout for you in the selected folder like below:

Folder selection
Folder selection

Now let's add our smart contract in the contracts folder. You can use the same smart contract here that we have used in method 1.

Step 2: Adding Migrations

Navigate to the migration folder of your smart contract and create a new file named “2_deploy_contracts.js” for the “news.sol” contract. Paste the following code in this newly created file.

[code language="javascript"]
var news = artifacts.require("News");

module.exports = function(deployer)


Step 3: Adding your network settings

Now we are going to do the real work of deploying our smart contract on Ethereum PoA on Azure using Truffle.

Truffle gives you a “truffle-config.js” file to add your network settings. We are going to modify this file to add our Ethereum PoA network settings. For that purpose paste the following code in your “truffle-config.js” file:

[code language="javascript"]
const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");
const rpc_endpoint = "Your RPC endpoint of ethereum PoA";
const mnemonic = "Your unique seed phrase";

module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: "localhost",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*" // Match any network id
poa: {
provider: function() {
return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, rpc_endpoint)
network_id: 10101010,
gasPrice : 0


In const rpc_endpoint add your PoA network endpoint and in mnemonic add you unique Metamask account phrase. You can find that in Metamask → Security & Privacy → Reveal seed phrase.

Truffle HD wallet provider: For privacy reasons, truffle provides you with HD wallet provider that signs your transactions for you using your private key rather giving access of your private key to any third-party.

Since we are using truffle HD wallet provider in our project, you can install the HD wallet in your project with the following command:

npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider

Step 4: Deploying your Smart Contract

Now in your command prompt add the following command:
truffle migrate --network poa
This will start your deployment to your Ethereum PoA network on Azure.

Deploying your smart contract
Deploying your smart contract

However, you must use truffle version 5.0.5 to deploy your smart contract on Ethereum PoA. The latest version of truffle points some gas-related errors with Azure deployments. You can downgrade your truffle version with the following command:

npm i -g [email protected]

Step 5: Sending transaction to your network

As now you have deployed your smart contract to the Ethereum PoA network lets send a transaction to our network. In your project folder create another file with the name “sendtransaction.js” and paste the following code in that file:

[code language="javascript"]
var news = artifacts.require("news");
module.exports = function(done) {
console.log("Getting the deployed version of the news smart contract")

news.deployed().then(function(instance) {

console.log("Calling add news function for contract ", instance.address);

return instance.addnews("Hello, Xord!");

}).then(function(result) {

console.log("Transaction hash: ", result.tx);
console.log("Request complete");


}).catch(function(e) {





Now execute this script with the following command in the command prompt:

Deployment on the Ethereum Proof of Authority network on Azure
Deployment on the Ethereum Proof of Authority network on Azure

truffle exec sendtransaction.js --network poa
And Hurrah! Your smart contract is successfully deployed on the Ethereum Proof of Authority network on Azure!

That’s all for the part 2 of this Azure Blockchain for Enterprise Blockchain Solutions series. In this part, we have practised the second step of the Azure Blockchain 3 Step approach for building Blockchain applications. In the third and final part of the series, we will learn about building and modelling Blockchain applications with Azure Blockchain Our Workbench. Happy Chaining till then!

Find more articles on Blockchain on our blog or contact Xord @https:// for Blockchain projects and free consultation.

Deep Dive into Azure Blockchain for Enterprise Blockchain Solutions [Part 1]

With the emergence of enterprise blockchain, an increasing number of businesses are moving towards the adoption of blockchain for mitigating the problems associated with supply chain, finance, asset tracking and many more. With this increasing interest in business blockchain, one must understand that blockchain isn’t a magical hammer that alone can be harnessed to fix every problem. Blockchain needs the support of other technologies like traditional databases, client-side applications, etc. to provide complete enterprise blockchain-based solutions that are viable in terms of scalability, flexibility and portability. For example, in a supply chain management system, only one or two use cases are aided with blockchain, and the rest of the application is built on other technologies even including traditional databases. That is, in fact, the beauty of enterprise blockchain. Enterprise blockchain solutions sometimes move away from the concept of decentralization but exploit the other features of blockchain in addressing business problems. So one of the major challenges associated with the adoption of blockchain in enterprises is the integration of all these business components together. If you are a blockchain developer you must be aware of the fact that Integrating a blockchain application with the current applications like SaaS, Salesforce, Office, etc isn’t a trivial task and requires added effort. So that’s where Microsoft’s Azure Blockchain creates its space. Microsoft proposes Azure Blockchain to solve the problems associated with the integration of business components and making the overall process seamless and efficient. Microsoft Azure provides built-in infrastructure, tools and services for building a viable, robust, scalable and efficient business solution employing blockchain technology. As now you have got a basic overview of enterprise blockchain, let’s dig down further and explore the tools we have available in Azure Blockchain for building efficient blockchain applications. 

Microsoft Blockchain
Microsoft Blockchain
  1. Azure Blockchain Service:

Azure blockchain service allows the deployment of the network on Azure with the control of infrastructure management and nodes management on consortium network. Businesses can choose from a variety of popular networks including Ethereum Proof-of-Authority, Corda and Quorum. It also provides the flexibility to introduce your own consortium network into the Azure marketplace on your varying business needs. Azure blockchain services simplify the network management part of the solution, thus facilitating developers to focus directly on the application building part.

  1. Azure Blockchain Our WorkBench 

Allows for building applications on a wide variety of blockchain networks in less time and cost by providing pre-built integrations to cloud services, authenticated APIs for REST requests and identity management by linking your identities with Azure Active Directory.

  1. Azure Blockchain Tokens

Allows you to integrate token in your blockchain solution with the pre-built token templates designed by considering the needs of common blockchain solutions. Businesses can also customize the token templates based on their own varying needs. Azure Blockchain Tokens is currently in preview stage.

As now you have got a general idea of what Azure Blockchain is, are you ready to actually see things in action by playing with Azure Portal? Let’s start.


  1. Azure Account: You can get a free Azure Account with $200 credit for 30 days if you don’t have an Azure account already. 
  2. Metamask : If you don’t have Metamask wallet configured already, you can follow the steps in this article to configure and setup your Metamask wallet with fake test ethers.

Getting Started

Once you log in to your Azure Portal you’ll see the following Dashboard:

Azure portal dashboard
Azure portal dashboard

Before starting with Azure Blockchain services, create a resource group in Azure. Azure Resource groups allow you to store your related logical collections at one place for effective management. You will be using this resource group later in this tutorial. Move to Resource Groups -> Add and choose your Azure subscription, resource group name and your nearest region. After providing all these details click on “Review+Create” to set-up your resource. 

Resource group in Azure solution
Resource group in Azure solution

Now as you have created your resource group let’s explore the blockchain services provided by Azure.

What We are Going To Do

In this part of Azure Blockchain tutorial, we are going to set up a blockchain network on Azure Blockchain first. In Azure Blockchain we can choose from a variety of consortium networks including Quorum, Corda etc. For this tutorial, we are going to set-up a multi-node peer-to-peer private Ethereum blockchain with proof-of-authority(PoA).

What is Ethereum Proof-of-Authority(PoA) Consortium

In 2017, Ethereum co-founder Gavid Wood coined the idea of Ethereum proof-of-authority(PoA) designed for private blockchain networks in contrast to proof-of-stake(PoS) or proof-of-work(PoW) that were designed for public blockchain networks. In Ethereum proof of authority on Azure, multiple members will be running Ethereum proof-of-authority on their own with a group of their own validator nodes. Validator nodes will be acting as a miner and possess unique Ethereum addresses. Any transaction in a network will be verified if 50% of the validator nodes belonging to different members of the network reach consensus regarding any transaction. For the purpose of fairness in the network. No consortium member can choose the number of validator nodes than the previous consortium member. For example, if the previous consortium member deploys 3 validators, then each subsequent consortium member can only deploy up to 3 consortium members. 

Deploying Ethereum Proof-of-Authority on Azure Our WorkFlow

We assume that there are 3 consortium members.

  1. Each member generates their Ethereum Account using Metamask
  2. Member 'A' deploys the Ethereum PoA on Azure using his Ethereum public address.
  3. 'A' shares the deployed consortium URL with member 'B' and 'C'.
  4. Member 'B' and 'C' deploys Ethereum PoA using their own Ethereum public address and consortium URL provided by member 'A'.
  5. 'A' votes member 'B' as an admin.
  6. Member 'A' and member 'B' both votes in for member 'C'. 

As you have understood the theoretical concept behind Ethereum Proof-of-Authority now, we will further move towards deploying the footprint for member A on the network.

In Azure Portal go to Create a resource → Blockchain → Ethereum Proof-of-Authority Consortium. After that, we are going to specify the input configurations for Ethereum PoA deployment step by step.

Step 1: Basics

Choose the following properties in the Basics Tab.

  1. As we are creating a new network for now, so keep the “Create New” Option that is set by default. This will be changed in the case of member 2 when he will be joining the existing consortium network that we are currently deploying.
  2. Provide your email address. You’ll receive an email notification when your deployment will be completed.
  3. Choose the name of the deployed VM.
  4. The method to authenticate the VM. Choose “Password” i.e set as default.
  5. Set the password for the deployed VM.
  6. Confirm your password.
  7. Choose your subscription.
  8. Select the resource group from the list that we had created earlier.
  9. Choose your location

Sample Deployment

Step 1 to create Ethereum on Azure
Step 1 to create Ethereum on Azure

Step 2: Deployment Regions

  1. Select the no of regions in which you want to deploy your consortium network. For this tutorial, I am just choosing 1 deployment region. You can choose more for high availability.
  2. Choose the region same as the region of your “Resource Group”

Sample Deployment

Step 2 to create Ethereum on Azure
Step 2 to create Ethereum on Azure

Step 3: Network Size and Performance

  1. Choose the number of your validator nodes. You can choose 2 or more than 2 validator nodes for your network belonging to different geographical regions
  2. Choose the machine specs for these validator nodes.

Sample Deployment

Step 3 to create Ethereum on Azure
Step 3 to create Ethereum on Azure

Step 4: Ethereum Settings

  1. Choose your consortium member ID between 0-255. This member ID is unique for every consortium member. I am choosing the consortium member ID 1.
  2. Network ID is the ID of your consortium network and is also unique to the network.
  3. Admin Ethereum Address is where you will add your Ethereum address from Metamask. Open your Metmask extension and copy the Ethereum address of your account. 
Ethereum settings Ethplode ETH
Ethereum settings Ethplode ETH

Sample Deployment

Step 4 to create Ethereum on Azure
Step 4 to create Ethereum on Azure

Step 5: Monitoring

  1. If you want to collect logs from your network and check the network health enable the monitoring option that is set by default.
  2. Create a new location to deploy the monitor instance

Sample Deployment:

Step 5 to create Ethereum on Azure
Step 5 to create Ethereum on Azure

Step 6: Summary 

Verify and review your deployment summary and confirm

Step 7: Buy

After that, you are going to buy the Ethereum Proof of Authority template from the Azure marketplace and deploying the network instance with above-set parameters. Your deployment will take a few minutes to succeed so be patient.

Deployment Output:

Once your deployment is successful, you will receive an email notification. After that, let's explore the output parameters of our deployment network that will be used for managing, growing and building on top of the network.

Locate your Deployment Output:

In your Azure Portal move to the “Resource Groups” and choose the resource group that you had used for Ethereum PoA deployment. In my case, the name of the resource group is “Filza”.

Move to that resource group and view your deployments.

Choosing resource name in Azure Blockchain solution
Choosing resource name in Azure Blockchain solution

After that, click on the 14 succeeded deployments and from all the deployments you see, go to “Microsoft-azure-blockchain,azu..”

Deployments in Azure Blockchain
Deployments in Azure Blockchain

Now go to Outputs and here you can see different fields. Two fields that are useful for you now are the “consortium data URL” and “admin site”

outputs in Azure Blockchain
outputs in Azure Blockchain

Consortium Data URL: You can share this URL with other consortium members so they can join your network

Admin Site: When you copy this URL and open it in a new Tab. You will be directed to a dashboard called “Governance Dashboard”. When you open this URL, a notification will pop up to connect your Ethereum Proof-of-Authority network with Metamask. Once you connect it, you can view your administrator's panel and option to nominate.

Proof of Authority Azure Blockchain
Proof of Authority Azure Blockchain

Governance Dashboard:

Every consortium deployment comes with a set of pre-deployed smart contracts and DECENTRALIZED APPlication to manage the admin and validator nodes. Admin can introduce their validator nodes in the network and the overall network is maintained by the 50% consensus of all the involved validator nodes managed by pre-deployed smart contracts. 

Growing your Consortium: Member’s B Deployment Footprint

  1. Share your consortium Data URL and your chosen number of validators with member B that you intend to invite to the network..
  2. Member B will deploy the same Ethereum PoA network by choosing the option of “existing network” in Basics Tab and pasting the provided consortium URL in Ethereum Settings Tab.
  3. Current admins can vote for this member B’s request in Governance Dashboard. If member B receives 50% of the admin votes, he will become the part of the network, otherwise, his request will be declined

That's all to conclude Part 1 of Azure Blockchain. In the next part of this series, we will further explore about leveraging this deployed network for building blockchain applications. 

Xord can help you build Blockchain projects and give you free Blockchain consultation, connect with us and get started now!
Link: https://

Guide to setting up your first Hyperledger Fabric network (Part 2)


This part serves a next step after completing part 1 of the guide. In part 1, we discussed the different components that are needed to bootstrap a simple network. We formed one organization, created a channel, and joined that organization to that channel.

In this part, we are going to write a chaincode (smart contract), install and instantiate it, and interact with it. We are going to use the repository that we developed in the previous guide. The repository contains both the network and chaincode as well as useful scripts to automate crucial tasks.

What is chaincode?

Chaincode (smart contract) is a piece of code that is used to provide access to the state of the ledger in a channel. Chaincode is the only way to gain access to the ledger and the ledger cannot be accessed outside of that chaincode. Chaincode can also be used to implement access control permissions as well as complex business logic while updating or reading the data in the ledger.

Prerequisites to writing chaincode

We are going to use Typescript and the fabric-node-chaincode-utils to write chaincode.

npm install typescript -g
mkdir chaincode/node
cd chaincode/node
tsc --init
npm install

Writing chaincode

If you have experience writing smart contracts using Solidity in Ethereum or other public blockchain, you might notice similarities. We have a chaincode class named FirstChaincode which has two functions that are available to be executed from outside the ledger. initLedger function adds car entries into the ledger. The second function queryAllCars returns all the car objects that have been initialized.

We use the chaincode utils developed by the TheLedger. You will find the chaincode Node.js SDK to be quite different if you look at the official chaincode samples developed by Hyperledger Fabric. These utilities are intended to make writing chaincode easier.

We are going to start the network that we built in the previous article, create and join channels, install and instantiate the chaincode, and finally call functions on the chaincode.

Building the network

Go to the network directory and run the following commands.

Starting the network

This command will start all the docker containers.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Creating and joining the channel

A new channel mychannel is created and Org1 is joined to that channel.

docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/[email protected]/msp" peer channel create -o -c mychannel -f /etc/hyperledger/configtx/channel.txdocker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/[email protected]/msp" peer channel join -b mychannel.block

Installing the chaincode

There are three steps to installing chaincode.

Go to the chaincode/node directory.


The following commands will install all the dependencies and make a new build out of source code to be installed on peers.

yarn run clean
yarn run build


This command will install the chaincode on the peer.

docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/[email protected]/msp" cli peer chaincode install -n "firstchaincode" -v "1.0" -p "/opt/gopath/src/" -l "node"


This command will instantiate the chaincode on the peer.

docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/[email protected]/msp" cli peer chaincode instantiate -o -C mychannel -n "firstchaincode" -l "node" -v "1.0" -c '{"function":"init","Args":["'1.0'"]}'

Now, that we have the network deployed and chaincode installed and instantiated. We will interact with the chaincode.

Executing a transaction

This command will make use of the invoke command to execute initLedgerfunction which will populate the ledger with entries.

docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/[email protected]/msp" cli peer chaincode invoke -o -C mychannel -n "firstchaincode" -c '{"function":"initLedger","Args":[""]}'

You should see the following message.

2019-03-14 08:56:24.608 UTC [chaincodeCmd] chaincodeInvokeOrQuery -> INFO 04f Chaincode invoke successful. result: status:200

Querying the chaincode

The command below will run the queryAllCars function get all the cars that have been put onto the ledger.

docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/[email protected]/msp" cli peer chaincode query -o -C mychannel -n "firstchaincode" -c '{"function":"queryAllCars","Args":[""]}'

If you see an output like this, your invoke function was successful.



We created a simple chaincode which adds entries in the ledger and queries them. We might get into exploring the Node.js SDK that enables us to build client applications for Hyperledger Fabric network.

If you want to get your hands on the code, you can get it here.

Get in touch

Interested in starting your own blockchain project, but don’t know how? Get in touch at

Guide to setting up your first Hyperledger Fabric network (Part 1)

There are two ways to go about building applications on Hyperledger Fabric framework. The first method is to use Composer and the other is work directly on core Fabric and writing chaincode using Golang, Node.js, or Java.

What is Composer and why you should stay away from it?

Hyperledger Composer is a set of tools that makes the whole process of building blockchain application faster and easier. Composer speeds up the development time significantly and provides RESTful APIs for your applications to interact with.

Composer also abstracts away essential development steps that would otherwise prove crucial to understand critical parts of the Fabric framework. While the tool is helpful for rapid prototyping and can prove vital for a non-technical or a beginner to get started, however it does abstract away the most interesting parts of the technology.

Composer is helpful to get started on learning the technology but it you wish to understand the ins and outs of technology, Composer is not the way to go.

Here, we will be building a small network with one ordering service and one organization. We will be creating one channel for that organization and bootstrap one anchor peer in this part.

In the next part, we will then be using Typescript to write chaincode in Node.js environment and install it on the peer to provide access to the ledger.

If you wish to get your hands on the code, you can find the repository here.

Installing the development environment

If you haven’t already set up the development environment for Hyperledger Fabric, I urge you to head to this article I wrote a week ago.

What we will be building

We will be creating a simple network with one ordering service (orderer), one organization with one peer. We will create one channel and then install chaincode on that channel. In real life, one channel with one organization makes no sense but we are building it like this for the sake of simplicity.

If you are not familiar with the terms that I used and want to learn the basic of Fabric, there is no better place than the official documentation.

Let’s get started

We will have following directory structure.

-> first-network
   -> /network
      -- /crypto-config.yaml

Defining orderer and organizations in crypto-config.yaml

We define the orderer and different organizations that we want to be part of the network in a .yaml file. We normally call it crypto-config.yaml. Put the following in the crypto-config.yaml file.

  - Name: Orderer
      - Hostname: orderer
  - Name: Org1
      Count: 1
      Count: 1

As we can see, we have defined one orderer and one organization. The domain/ID of the orderer is and the domain of the peer organization is org1.example.comThe Template Count defines the number of peers that we want to bootstrap as part of the network and Users Count defines the number of users that will belong to that organization when the network is first created.

Defining specifications of the orderer and organizations in configtx.yaml

Create a new file called configtx.yaml inside the network directory. The project structure will now look like this.

-> first-network
   -> /network
      -- /crypto-config.yaml
      -- /configtx.yaml

Paste this in configtx.yaml file.

    - &OrdererOrg
        Name: OrdererOrg
        ID: OrdererMSP
        MSPDir: crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/
    - &Org1
        Name: Org1MSP
        ID: Org1MSP
        MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/
            - Host:
              Port: 7051

Application: &ApplicationDefaults


    Global: &ChannelCapabilities
        V1_1: true

    Orderer: &OrdererCapabilities
        V1_1: true

    Application: &ApplicationCapabilities
        V1_2: true

Orderer: &OrdererDefaults

    OrdererType: solo
    BatchTimeout: 2s
        MaxMessageCount: 10
        AbsoluteMaxBytes: 99 MB
        PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB

            <<: *ChannelCapabilities
            <<: *OrdererDefaults
                - *OrdererOrg
                <<: *OrdererCapabilities
                    - *Org1
        Consortium: SampleConsortium
            <<: *ApplicationDefaults
                - *Org1
                <<: *ApplicationCapabilities

First we define the MSP IDs of our Orderer and Org1 and also define the paths to the certificates that we will generate later. The path that we define in MSPDir does not exist right now. We will generate the certificates and create the paths later. Here, we also define the domain and port of anchor peers for our organization.

The we configure the capabilities of our network as having the ability to create new channels, etc,. Then we define Orderer specifications as running on solo consensus algorithm and its port.

Finally, we define Profiles that we will be using to refer to these specifications. We define the genesis block for our Orderer as OneOrgOrdererGenesis. The thing that we need to understand here is that there is no global blockchain ledger in the Fabric framework and ledgers are only available at the channel level. And there are two types of channels in a Fabric network, a system channel that is used by different orderers in the network and application channels that are composed of different peers at the application level. OneOrgOrdererGenesis is the profile name of the genesis block of the ledger in the system channel that is used to start the Orderer.

Then we define a consortium called SampleConsortium with Org1 as part of that consortium. And then we have the profile name of our channel called OneOrgChannel with Org1 as a member of that channel.

Create cryptographic materials

Open a terminal window in the /first-network/network directory and execute these commands.

cryptogen generate --config=./crypto-config.yaml

The Cryptogen tool that we installed in the previous article will be used to generate crypto materials to be used when signing transactions. This will create a new directory and output two more directories inside it. Our project looks like this now.

-> first-network
   -> /network
      -> /crypto-config
         -> /ordererOrganizations
         -> /peerOrganizations    
      -- /crypto-config.yaml
      -- /configtx.yaml

The new directories will have the crypto material for our orderer and peer organization.

Create genesis block and configuration transactions

Execute the following commands to generate a genesis block, a channel transaction, and an anchor peer configuration transaction. We will then use these configuration transactions to bootstrap a Fabric network.

Configtxgen tool that we installed in the previous article will be used to generate configuration transactions.

mkdir config
configtxgen -profile OneOrgOrdererGenesis -outputBlock ./config/genesis.block

configtxgen uses the profile that we defined in the configtx.yaml file. The tool will look for the profile named OneOrgOrdererGenesis in the configtx.yaml.

configtxgen -profile OneOrgChannel -outputCreateChannelTx ./config/channel.tx -channelID mychannel

The tool will look for a channel profile named OneOrgChannel and output a configuration transaction named channel.tx in the /config directory. We also provided the ID of the channel.

configtxgen -profile OneOrgChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate ./config/Org1MSPanchors.tx -channelID mychannel -asOrg Org1MSP

The above command will create anchor peer configuration transaction called Org1MSPanchors.tx in the /config/ directory.

The project structure now looks like this.

-> first-network
   -> /network
      -> /config
         -> /channel.tx
         -> /genesis.block
         -> /Org1MSPanchors.tx      
      -> /crypto-config
         -> /ordererOrganizations
         -> /peerOrganizations    
      -- /crypto-config.yaml
      -- /configtx.yaml

Now that we have the configuration transactions, we will now move on to using these configuration transactions to start Orderer and create a channel.

Configuring docker-compose.yml

We will be using a tool called docker-compose to start multiple docker containers that will work to simulate a Fabric network. To make things simpler, we will not be using multiple machines, we will be taking advantage of the power of docker and docker-compose to simulate multiple machines.

We will not be talking much about docker-compose here. If you want to learn more, visit docker’s documentation.

Create a new file called docker-compose.yml inside /first-network/network directory.

Paste this in docker-compose.yml.

version: '2'


    image: hyperledger/fabric-ca
    - FABRIC_CA_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
    - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_CERTFILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/
    - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_KEYFILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/c8934e1a2f95d83d34852d9615f7c92880947bc1a077a9c0ae393fa33e8e6454_sk
    - "7054:7054"
    command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw -d'
    - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/
    - basic
    image: hyperledger/fabric-orderer
    - ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE=/etc/hyperledger/configtx/genesis.block
    - ORDERER_GENERAL_LOCALMSPDIR=/etc/hyperledger/msp/orderer/msp
    working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/
    command: orderer
    - 7050:7050
    - ./config/:/etc/hyperledger/configtx
    - ./crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/
    - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/
    - basic
    image: hyperledger/fabric-peer
    - CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock
    - CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/peer/
    # # the following setting starts chaincode containers on the same
    # # bridge network as the peers
    # #
    # provide the credentials for ledger to connect to CouchDB.  The username and password must
    # match the username and password set for the associated CouchDB.
    working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/
    command: peer node start
    # command: peer node start --peer-chaincodedev=true
    - 7051:7051
    - 7053:7053
    - /var/run/:/host/var/run/
    - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/
    - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/
    - ./config:/etc/hyperledger/configtx
    - couchdb
    - basic

    container_name: couchdb
    image: hyperledger/fabric-couchdb
    # Populate the COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD to set an admin user and password
    # for CouchDB.  This will prevent CouchDB from operating in an "Admin Party" mode.
    - 5984:5984
    - basic

    container_name: cli
    image: hyperledger/fabric-tools
    tty: true
    - GOPATH=/opt/gopath
    - CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock
    - CORE_PEER_ID=cli
    - CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/opt/gopath/src/[email protected]/msp
    working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/
    command: /bin/bash
    - /var/run/:/host/var/run/
    - ./../chaincode/:/opt/gopath/src/
    - ./crypto-config:/opt/gopath/src/
    - basic

As you can probably guess, we will be using docker-compose to start five containers namely, and cli.

The orderer container uses the genesis.block that we generated earlier to start the orderer.

Before we start the network, we need to do a very important change in the docker-compose.yml.

Execute this command from the network directory.

ls crypto-config/peerOrganizations/

You will see a file with _sk appended at the end. Copy the name of the file, the secret key of our CA. Go back to docker-compose.yml file and search for the keyword “secret_key_here”. Replace the phrase “secret_key_here” with the name of the file you just copied. We are good to go now.

Starting the network

Run the command to start the network.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d couchdb

The command will start four containers that will form our network.

You can verify the containers that are running by executing the command.

docker ps

You should see an output like this.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
621bbda9f6ac        hyperledger/fabric-peer      "peer node start"        4 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds>7051/tcp,>7053/tcp
1e3f3476f727        hyperledger/fabric-orderer   "orderer"                7 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>7050/tcp                 
32fcf0d2baa9        hyperledger/fabric-ca        "sh -c 'fabric-ca-se…"   7 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>7054/tcp                 
de9b898e3c09        hyperledger/fabric-couchdb   "tini -- /docker-ent…"   7 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds        4369/tcp, 9100/tcp,>5984/tcp       couchdb

If you see a similar output as above, you have successfully started a Hyperledger Fabric network.

Now, we will create a channel and join Org1 to that channel.

Creating and joining channel

docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/[email protected]/msp" peer channel create -o -c mychannel -f /etc/hyperledger/configtx/channel.tx

The above command will use channel.tx configuration transaction that we generated earlier to create a new channel.

docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/[email protected]/msp" peer channel join -b mychannel.block

Now, our peer from Org1 is joined to the channel mychannel.


We created the simplest network with one orderer and one organization. In reality, there are multiple orderers and multiple organizations connected to multiple channels. We might get into exploring it later down the line.

If you want to get your hands on the code, you can get it here.

In the next part, we will learn to code chaincode in Node.js and install it on our peer.

UPDATE: The part 2 is available here

Get in touch

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The Right Way To Set-up The Hyperledger Fabric Development Environment

Hyperledger Fabric is an exciting technology and is progressing rapidly with the approach of move fast and break things so it can sometimes turn out to be a soul-destroying task to set up the Fabric development environment. Even the official documentation falls short of discussing everything there is in setting up the environment. So, I have written this guide to lay down all the steps you will need to go through to set up the development environment. I will try to keep this guide updated to reflect the latest changes in the Fabric protocol.]

Understanding the basics

I am not going to bore you with explaining what blockchain is and why it matters and explain the use cases of permissioned blockchain technology frameworks like Hyperledger Fabric. If you want to learn the basics of blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, and its use cases. There is no better way than to study the official documentation here.

Installing the development environment

Installing one wrong package version might generate errors that can take days to debug. These steps have been tested to work well on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Let us get started.

Installing cURL

cURL is a tool that is used to transfer data over the internet.

  1. Execute the command to install cURL.
sudo apt-get install curl

Installing Docker

Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications in virtual containers. We will use docker to set up simulate different peers in the network. We use docker CLI container to interact with the peers and ordering service, install and upgrade chaincode, and create and join channels.

Uninstall previous docker packages.

If you previously installed docker on your machine. You will need to remove all previous docker packages.

dpkg -l | grep -i docker
sudo apt-get purge -y docker-engine docker docker-ce  
sudo apt-get autoremove -y --purge docker-engine docker docker-ce
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker sudo rm /etc/apparmor.d/docker sudo groupdel docker sudo rm -rf /var/run/docker.sock

You have now successfully removed Docker from the system completely.

Set up the repository.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg agent software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

Install docker.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Verify that Docker CE is installed correctly.

Run the command to run hello-world docker image.

sudo docker run hello-world

Post installation steps for docker.

You need to eliminate the requirement of using sudo while working with docker

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
docker run hello-world

Installing docker-compose

Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container Docker applications. You need to define all the containers that your application depends on in a .yaml file. Then, with one single command, all the service are started and your application starts running.

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose --version

Installing Go programming language.

Go language is used to write chaincode business logic for the channels. You can also write chaincode in Node.js and Java. Whichever language you decide to use, you need to set up the $GOPATH.

sudo apt-get install golang-go
nano ~/.profile
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
source ~/.profile

Installing Node.js package manager.

Installing NPM

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
node -vnpm -v

Post installation steps for NPM.

You need to set a new prefix for npm to eliminate the need of using sudo while installing packages.

mkdir ~/.npm-global
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
nano ~/.profile
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
source ~/.profile

Installing Hyperledger Fabric packages.

The documentation of Hyperledger Fabric provides a script that will download and install samples and binaries to your system. These sample applications installed are useful to learn more about the capabilities and operations of Hyperledger Fabric.

curl -sSL | bash -s 1.4.0

This will install 1.4 version of Hyperledger Fabric binaries.

The command above downloads and executes a bash script that will download and extract all of the platform-specific binaries you will need to set up your network.

It also retrieves some executable binaries that are needed in development and places them in the bin sub-directory of the current working directory.

nano ~/.profile
export PATH=~/fabric-samples/bin:$PATH
source ~/.profile

Run the sample network

cd fabric-samples/first-network
./ up

The above command will bootstrap a sample network with fabcar chaincode installed. You can head to here to learn more about the network that we have just started.


After a year of development on Hyperledger Fabric framework, I have realized the importance of getting small things right when setting up the environment. Many errors that you might face during development might well be due to the mistakes in setting up the environment.

I hope this guide will help beginners starting to learn this new technology. Please feel free to point out mistakes in this guide.

Get in touch

Interested in starting your own blockchain project, but don’t know how? Get in touch at