Every decentralized network rewards users by simply distributing tokens, however, DAFI is not just yet another staking protocol. Because the issue with conventional staking platforms is that when adoption is low it creates an excess supply of tokens and devalues the economy.

 DAFI introduces the first alternative since Satoshi, to use network rewards for building a decentralized economy. Instead of directly issuing tokens for staking & liquidity – DAFI ties synthetics to each network’s adoption. This means that the token’s released & network demand is proportional. By linking these two factors, it attracts longer-term users to be incentivized longer, supporting adoption.

Instead of distributing a token directly, the DAFI protocol enables networks to create a synthetic token in a reduced quantity. It enables networks to reward users, based on their adoption. Every decentralized network can soon create synthetic dTokens tied to the adoption of their protocol.


The idea of inflation rate on Ethereum networks and the dilemma following it has been flawed. For most networks there is continuous issuance, with a temporarily fixed, yet fork-moveable inflation rate, such that the total amount of token is uncertain. A major flaw is calculation of the value of a token if the eventual supply is not fixed or even mildly deterministic. On the other hand, if the inflation rate is kept low, users are not properly incentivized and there is a greater risk of security. 

To solve this and more, DAFI along with our team at Blockapex Labs worked to develop a protocol that can be used to create a secondary shadow token backed by the staked base tokens.

DAFI is the native-token of the protocol and is used for staking. By supporting the network, users are rewarded for their staking collateral by accumulating synthetics that further expand in quantity, only as demand rises. This will be the first implementation of an adoption-tied reward model. As more networks adopt DAFI to reward their users, the governance model will be gradually implemented.

For example,

With DAFI protocol networks can create  synthetic dTokens which are pegged to network adoption & demand. As demand rises in the network, the synthetic reward increases in quantity itself. As demand declines, it reduces it's own quantity to enhance scarcity & prevent supply-shocks. 


The idea behind ‘Super Staking’ is converting user staked DAFI into dDAFI which is a fungible token and no matter who stakes, they will all receive the dDAFI, which is more than just plain token rewards. dDAFI will grow alongside the network, multiplying user rewards and providing higher incentives without inflation of tokens.


Blockapex Labs shook hands with DAFI for the Super Staking web app, which was launched with its Dashboard, Super Staking and Superpool feature on 30th June 2021. Team at Blockapex Labs followed a modular approach to develop an impressive Dapp. You can check it out here: stake.dafiprotocol.io

The network had staked 20 million before the end of 3rd day of launch. At the moment of writing this, there are 88.82 million locked in Ethereum and Binance combined. DAFI aims at building their own bridge before the Polygon launch but we can wait on it.

There are a few more features of Market and Swap within the Dapp to cut off third party dependencies. 



Stake.dafiprotocol.io opens you to the dashboard view of the app. Making sure your wallet is connected to Binance/Ethereum mainnet you can preview cards containing network and user information:

It is the total amount of DAFI staked on all chains. Of which, currently, Binance and Ethereum are working.

This is the representation for the amount staked by a user from a certain account in their wallet.

Fees Collection goes simple, each time someone decides to exit, a withdrawal fee is applied to convert dDAFI rewards into DAFI. This is currently set at 25%, the dDAFI fees are sent back to the rewards pool and later redistributed to active-users in the system. Over time, you will accumulate a portion of other users' fees.

All native DAFI tokens are collateralised and an intermediary is given which is a dToken.

The dToken expands and decreases in proportion to network demand. The dToken can be burned for the underlying native token. It creates a flexible approach that measures the health (demand) of the network before issuance.

In stages of low demand people can also burn tokens however the reward in native tokens is much less which incentives people to HODL long term.

This is the quantity your dToken rewards would multiply to at maximum network demand, ie. Potential APY.

Below the top 5 info cards is a graphical representation of change in user rewards as the network grows. For optimization factors, the graph retrieves data from the sub graph every 2 hours and updates accordingly. 

Adjacent to the graph are vertical bars showing the value preserved in each chain. Ethereum, with its high user count, is clearly winning at it.

Next we have a Transaction Store to view all relevant information from a transaction and then a ‘Top 5 Users’ table to show the top contributors of the network.


What actually happens in Superstaking is that you would be able to stake your DAFI on the platform by connecting your wallet and earn rewards in dDAFI which is tied to the demand of the network, the higher the demand the higher the quantity and vice-versa. Also there is an added 25% withdrawal fee, so if someone decides to exit the system. They need to pay this fee and this fee would be redistributed to the other users who are currently staking on the networks. So basically this would help long term users to incentive much better as the project matures and grows over the time.

Using the navigation drawer on the left, a user can navigate within the app. On clicking ‘Stake’, a user can make use of top 3 functionalities of the Super Staking app:

A screenshot of a computer

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Un staking their DAFI + 75% of their earned dDAFI rewards converted back to DAFI.

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Users can claim their rewards from the Withdraw section of the Stake tab. An amount is deducted to be redistributed in the network every time a claim takes place. The withdrawal fee is currently set at 25%. So when some unstakes or claim their reward. A withdrawal fee is deducted from their rewards at first and then it gets added to the rewards pool and from there it gets redistributed to the active stakers in the system.

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In the last of the working functionalities, we have Superpool, a graphical representation of staked DAFI preserved in each chain. (For now, Binance is working).

Important network informations of DAFI locked, APY and potential APY are dynamically displayed to user:


Market is the feature developed to keep track of the $DAFI network growth along with social info. Your all-in-one hub for protocol & token info.

Metrics for determining demand factor for super staking are set to be price and TVL. Price is already implemented. So with an increase in price, there will be an increase towards potential APY hence an increase in dDAFI rewards. TVL will also be implemented.

Currently 88.73m $DAFI tokens have been locked in for super staking, that is more than 30% of the circulating supplyExploding head.

The $ETH pool has a potential of 26.11% APY. 

$BSC pool currently has a potential of 20.43%.

Blockapex Labs came up with this very cool idea of previewing official DAFI tweets straight from their twitter @DafiProtocol.

They also came up with this idea of showing total DAFI users on each chain with a simplistic Pie chart. Super Staking’s Market is one of the minimalistic ones in the DeFi world.


DAFI is developing their own bridge for swapping their token on various chains. This is planned to be launched in mid September. Stay tuned!


We are all about making blockchain technology better. We believe Super Staking allows blockchains to have a higher security without hurting the ecosystem. DAFI Super Staking is playing a great part in finding an optimal staking solution for the inflation rates and we are glad to be a part of it all! Be part of the open economy of the future. Check Dafi Protocol live in action at: stake.dafiprotocol.io

Phoenix DAO

Community is all about people living together and having common goals. The earth is big and connecting with everyone was difficult before the social media era. You can now reach out to anyone with just a click and interact with them wherever they are in the world. This will to interact with people and sharing interests led us to revolutionize communication. Communities would create events so they would meet up and bring new ideas. Beach parties, concerts, a local charity, whatever the event may be, people would hear these on social media and interested people would register themselves.  The problem that arose with this initiative was that centralized parties had access to our personal data which also includes our credit card details and much more, which trespasses our privacy. Phoenix DAO stepped in with a solution to the community through blockchain technology. Phoenix DAO is a platform where digital identity is used to power next-generation Defi apps. It consists of Phoenix identity which is powered by ERC- 1484 which not only creates but also links your identity to different dApps for ease of use. To know more about Phoenix DAO visit Pheonix DAO‘s website.

What is the Event Marketplace?

Arranging a house party? Build an event in the marketplace, and invite everyone. The Event marketplace is a destination where everyone is allowed to connect through making their events from anywhere in the world. Everyone can access this market, create their own event, decide their audience capacity, and sell tickets. You can buy tickets for other events as well. These tickets act as ERC 721 tokens which are NFTs. It has a variety of communities that arrange events and are accessible to anyone interested.

What makes it different from other platforms?

The PhoenixDAO Event marketplace contains a spark based on your identity, once created users can have the confidence to know it is safe from bad acting as it is a decentralized application that does not have any company surveillance that can access your data. You are the sole owner of your identity and your assets. Moreover, it works on the InterPlanetary File Storage (IPFS) network. IPFS is a distributed database system that stores and gives access to files, websites, applications, and data. It is a secure network where desired content could be retrieved from different nodes in the server with the security of hashes. Learn more about IPFS in IPFS: A Basic Guide


Menu Bar

There are different landing pages for every element in the Event marketplace. The menu bar sums them up in one single place. This bar consists of 3 sections: Events & Tickets, Manage Events, and Tools.

These sections contain different tabs which go as follows:

1. Events & Tickets

– Upcoming Events

The name speaks itself. This tab shows all the upcoming events in the coming dates with all the related information. You can just tap on the event and get to see whatever is present and buy the tickets there and then. Furthermore, it also shows popular events that are trending at that time.

– Past Events

This tab includes all the events that have been completed or outdated. It will show data like how many tickets were sold and other related information.

– Topics

This tab includes all the topics on which events are created. For example, A fitness marathon would be on the topic of “Sports & Fitness”. This helps when you want to see events related to a specific section like the one in the example.

– Calendar

The calendar tab includes a calendar that places all your events date and day wise just like a Google Calendar except this the calendar is auto-updated. Whenever you register for an event the calendar is automatically updated to the timing, day, and date of the event.

2. Manage Your Events

– Dashboard

The dashboard is a tab where events organized by the user are shown. It shows all the information like the number of events made, number of tickets sold (in units & revenue), and many more. 


– Create an Event

This tab includes a form that helps you create your own event. It has certain requirements that you need to fill like the name of the event, description of the event, location, price of a ticket, and much more. This also includes the option to limit your tickets so that you can have a limited crowd at the event. Keep in mind the tickets can only be bought and sold in token PHNX and USD.

– My Created Events

This tab shows the events you have created till now. It includes 2 tabs by the name “Active Events” & “Past Events”, each showing events respective to their names.

– My Tickets

This tab shows the ticket that you have bought recently and in the past as well. If you have not bought any then it would redirect you to the “Upcoming Events” tab.

3. Tools

– How it works

This tab is the first page you land on when you open the website. It requires you to login with your Numio app. It also contains a brief tutorial video on how the app works.

– Terms and Conditions

This is a detailed document tab where all the terms and conditions are defined by Phoenix Dao on how to use the app.

How does it work:

First thing is that we need to connect the wallet to the app through the Numio app. This is necessary to get everything in working because all the buying and selling is done through the wallet.

1. How to create your own event?

To create your own event, go to the “Create Event” tab. There would be a form that would be asking for your details about the event like the name of the event, location, description, image, and much more. You have to define the type of topic the event relates to so that a person interested in the event can find it in the relevant topic. Most importantly, there is a section where you define whether your event would be free or paid. To make things more interesting, you can limit your crowd by defining the number of participants/tickets in the form.
Once your event is created, set it live on the marketplace and let people discover it. You can know your stats about the event in the dashboard tab where you can see the number of tickets sold in units & revenue as well.


2. Get involved in an event

Are you a fitness freak? Planning to go to a party but don’t know where are the major parties being held? Event Marketplace has got you covered. Just go to the Topics tab and choose between a variety of topics. When you enter a topic, you can see all the events related to that topic. You can click on the event and get all information about the event and buy the tickets then and there.

3. Transfer of tickets

Interested in an event and think your friend would be too? Or just want to surprise them with a ticket to a hyped event. Buy the tickets and transfer the ticket to your friend to their Ethereum Address. Once you buy the tickets go to the My Tickets tab > Choose your ticket > Click manage ticket > Option appears of Send Ticket > Type Ethereum address of the receiver > send and done.


4. Verification of ticket

When you host an event, there is a big possibility of party crashers who just barge in with fraudulent tickets. Event marketplace resolves this problem by having a verification function. When you enter your created event, the last row says “Confirm Purchase”. Here you can check whether the following Ethereum address has bought a ticket or not. Just enter the address, if the address is unique it would say that address doesn’t have a ticket and if not, then it would say that ticket is already been purchased at this address.

5. Uniswap UI

Out of PHNX tokens? Don’t worry as the Dashboard tab includes a feature in the bottom right corner which lets you buy tokens then and there. You don’t have to go to different places to get your token swapped, just click on the Uniswap tab and get it done.

Current Standings

The Event Marketplace was tested on the Rinkby Testnet by some of the greatest testers available in the market. Next step, is a soft launch on the main-net with a limited audience as the gas fee is surging right now. Moreover, Layer 2 scalability is to be added soon in the marketplace to make transactions more easier and efficient.


Polkalokr serves as an escrow platform, where they lock the tokens until the product is delivered and verified. Polkalokr fosters innovative project development over credible chains, initially started out with Ethereum. Their products are there to help build trust in Web3 projects, especially in the Defi space by introducing solutions which will pave the way for decentralized governance adoption. 

Polkalokr Bridgr

Blockchain technology has illustrated a great promise of utility over several fields including “Internet of Things” , finance, governance, identity management, web decentralization and asset-tracking but we have yet to see a single chain successfully achieve all with the ability to scale  and not get stuck into the blockchain trilema. Interoperability allows different chains to collaborate and enable the users to benefit out of other chains in case of facing any blockers on a single chain . LKR Bridgr was created to safely migrate the LKR tokens to other networks.  The vision was to make a cross-chain bridge which would support token migration on prominent chains and not limit the solution to just ethereum and Binance. Since Ethereum has a high gas price users would rather have their funds migrated to chains with low gas price as a standard for instance Binance and Ethereum L2 solution - Polygon chain

The bridgr is interoperable between three famous chains - Ethereum, Binance and Polygon. Polkalokr also opened an opportunity for businesses having their tokens on the above-mentioned chains, they can deploy bridge contracts for their respective tokens using the bridge service enabled by polkalokr platform. 

Architectural Diagram

Bridge User Flow

1. Connect Wallet:

Decentralized applications expect the user to connect their account to the Dapp via wallet extension or wallet application . 

Once the wallet is connected, the account which is currently activated will have its address in the From box. Considering EVM compatible chains have the same account address, users can opt for the source address to migrate the funds on the same account address on other supported EVM compatible networks.

2. Migration from primary chain to the secondary chain: 

After connecting your wallet, now you have to select the chain from the dropdown to which you want to migrate your LKR tokens.  

3. Migration check through explorer:

 Check the migration hashes using explorers, you can check the ins and outs of funds bia account address. 


Web3 space is all about creating a safe and decentralized space for users to engage and provide easy access to services in a decentralized capacity by ensuring security. Polkalokr enabled  businesses and individuals to escape from the hassle of creating the bridge from scratch and benefit from the service being made available for all. Polkalokr will soon launch bridge as a service, which will open doors for many projects to safely deploy their bridge contracts for their respective tokens and benefit from the inherent security provided by the platform. After the launch of bridge as a service, more evm compatible chains support will be added eventually. 
Checkout the bridgr live on mainnet https://bridgr.polkalokr.com/

Numio App

Blockapex Lab's Task: To build an ethereum app, Numio.


Numio is based on the idea to simplify the adoption of blockchain and they work on identity-based blockchain technology. They believe that a person should securely own his digital assets and online identity. To keep things simple they have made the design of the apps basic and handles all the complicated technicalities in the background. When it comes to blockchain, the complexity of its concepts makes it harder to understand for a common person. Blockchain-based products and applications are considered complicated that could make them less user-friendly. Although blockchain technology is taking over the world with all its perks, convenience in gaining its benefits is also important.

What makes Numio different

The basic design of Numio apps is what makes the user experience better. One can store money and make payments via the Numio app in an efficient and easy manner. The Numio app supports a public key cryptography-based two-factor authentication system that not only increases the security but also enables the users to rapidly recover their accounts through their biometrics using zkProofs. Moreover, the identity of a user can be quickly verified by their biometrics.

Numio App

Numio app is one of the applications of Numio. It is a mobile wallet app that allows transactions of cryptocurrencies. An amazing feature of Numio is that it is a non-custodial wallet app, which means it allows users to have full custody of their assets. Users can also securely transfer their personal data to third parties and can be safe from any kind of theft. Quick verification of identities by means of biometric technology is also one of its features.

Problems Solved By Numio App

Since the intention was to make the utility of Blockchain mainstream without making it complex, there were a bunch of problems that needed to be solved and limitations that needed to be reduced. Our team at Blockapex Labs devised the possible solutions to these problems, refined the ideas, and brought these ideas to life. Here are some exceptional features of the app that we helped them design:

1. Supports Multiple Tokens

The first problem it solves is that it enables users to handle 4 types of cryptocurrencies (1 currency and 3 tokens). This way the app enables users to convert tokens into other tokens or currencies. It means that the user does not have to handle different wallets for different currencies instead they are handled in the background.

2. Transactions Made Easy

Another problem was lengthy wallet addresses. The user had to copy a wallet address whenever he had to make a transaction. Numio app encounters this by collecting the contacts from the user’s device who are already using the Numio app and displaying the list at the time of transaction. One would only have to select a name from the list to perform transactions. The wallet address is a requirement if the recipient is not a Numio user. If the person is a Numio user but not in the contacts list, the transaction can easily be made by using his Numio ID.

3. Decentralizes the Wallet

The next issue it solves is the centralization of the wallet apps. It means that the authorities used to have access and can store the private keys and data of the users. Numio provides decentralization which means that only the users are in full control and authorities have no access to their private keys or data.

4. Batching Transactions

Transactions can be canceled or, at times, prolonged due to miners demanding high gas fees. This is because most wallets carry transactions on Layer 1 which uses ETH and carrying out every transaction differently could be very costly. To counter this, Numio involves ZkRollups, where bundles of numerous transactions are compressed in one single transaction and sent on Layer 2 Scaling using multiple tokens. This helps in reducing fees per user transfer and is faster as well. Currently, the token being used is $PHNX but further on multiple tokens can be used as well.

5. Provides a Two-factor Authentication System

Security breach is a problem with centralization because of data storage in one place. Every time that happens the authorities have to ask the users to change their passwords in order to keep their wallets secure. Numio solves this problem by means of identity verification procedures known as KYC which includes biometric verification and QR code scanning. This 2FA system also enables users to switch between other products such as Numio Vault.

How It Functions:

1. Create Your Numio Account

For ease of use, the user can now make their Numio I.D through a Google account. Furthermore, the Numio app allows identity confirmation and verification through blockchain and biometrics. The app holds proof of verification that cannot be edited, this includes a function for facial recognition. You can also sign up for other exchanges by using your verified identity without making another account for them.

Google I.D Logins & Its Benefits

Google logins help users to directly get a Numio I.D by using the information on their Google account. Plus, users now have the option to keep their private key safe using an encryption key in the Numio app, Google helps the user to store their account’s secret decryption key in the GDrive else it was impossible without Google’s account.

Facial Recognition

This feature helps during the KYC process as it becomes the most reliable security where the user will scan their face to verify the document is legit and belongs to the same user. Moreover, this becomes a unique identifier for the Numio I.D and whenever the user tries to recover their account, they must verify themselves using this facial recognition.

The Registration Process

The registration follows 4 steps:

2. Perform Transactions

  • The view which appears after signing up displays the total balance in your wallet app. The user sees the option to “Request” or “Pay” the tokens. He can also view transaction history.
    The new Numio user will also see a pop-up to backup the recovery key to his Google account.
  • The user has options to use features like deposit, withdraw, purchase, import wallet, and make internal transfers.
  • The app lets you scan the QR code for verification and signing into other third-party applications.
  • Users can also change the tokens and see the equivalent of each in USD.
  • To withdraw, the user needs to fill in the information required as shown and click “Withdraw”.
  • Similarly, to make an internal transfer, after filling in the details, the user has to click “Confirm” to confirm the transaction.
  • To purchase, the user can select “Purchase Crypto” and enter the amount he needs to purchase.
  • In the Identity tab at the bottom, the user can verify his identity.

Current Standings:

The app is being integrated with other exchange apps such as Numio Vault. Numio supports WBTC, PHNX, USDC.