Numio App



Blockapex Lab's Task: To build an ethereum app, Numio.


Numio is based on the idea to simplify the adoption of blockchain and they work on identity-based blockchain technology. They believe that a person should securely own his digital assets and online identity. To keep things simple they have made the design of the apps basic and handles all the complicated technicalities in the background. When it comes to blockchain, the complexity of its concepts makes it harder to understand for a common person. Blockchain-based products and applications are considered complicated that could make them less user-friendly. Although blockchain technology is taking over the world with all its perks, convenience in gaining its benefits is also important.

What makes Numio different

The basic design of Numio apps is what makes the user experience better. One can store money and make payments via the Numio app in an efficient and easy manner. The Numio app supports a public key cryptography-based two-factor authentication system that not only increases the security but also enables the users to rapidly recover their accounts through their biometrics using zkProofs. Moreover, the identity of a user can be quickly verified by their biometrics.

Numio App

Numio app is one of the applications of Numio. It is a mobile wallet app that allows transactions of cryptocurrencies. An amazing feature of Numio is that it is a non-custodial wallet app, which means it allows users to have full custody of their assets. Users can also securely transfer their personal data to third parties and can be safe from any kind of theft. Quick verification of identities by means of biometric technology is also one of its features.

Problems Solved By Numio App

Since the intention was to make the utility of Blockchain mainstream without making it complex, there were a bunch of problems that needed to be solved and limitations that needed to be reduced. Our team at Blockapex Labs devised the possible solutions to these problems, refined the ideas, and brought these ideas to life. Here are some exceptional features of the app that we helped them design:

1. Supports Multiple Tokens

The first problem it solves is that it enables users to handle 4 types of cryptocurrencies (1 currency and 3 tokens). This way the app enables users to convert tokens into other tokens or currencies. It means that the user does not have to handle different wallets for different currencies instead they are handled in the background.

2. Transactions Made Easy

Another problem was lengthy wallet addresses. The user had to copy a wallet address whenever he had to make a transaction. Numio app encounters this by collecting the contacts from the user’s device who are already using the Numio app and displaying the list at the time of transaction. One would only have to select a name from the list to perform transactions. The wallet address is a requirement if the recipient is not a Numio user. If the person is a Numio user but not in the contacts list, the transaction can easily be made by using his Numio ID.

3. Decentralizes the Wallet

The next issue it solves is the centralization of the wallet apps. It means that the authorities used to have access and can store the private keys and data of the users. Numio provides decentralization which means that only the users are in full control and authorities have no access to their private keys or data.

4. Batching Transactions

Transactions can be canceled or, at times, prolonged due to miners demanding high gas fees. This is because most wallets carry transactions on Layer 1 which uses ETH and carrying out every transaction differently could be very costly. To counter this, Numio involves ZkRollups, where bundles of numerous transactions are compressed in one single transaction and sent on Layer 2 Scaling using multiple tokens. This helps in reducing fees per user transfer and is faster as well. Currently, the token being used is $PHNX but further on multiple tokens can be used as well.

5. Provides a Two-factor Authentication System

Security breach is a problem with centralization because of data storage in one place. Every time that happens the authorities have to ask the users to change their passwords in order to keep their wallets secure. Numio solves this problem by means of identity verification procedures known as KYC which includes biometric verification and QR code scanning. This 2FA system also enables users to switch between other products such as Numio Vault.

How It Functions:

1. Create Your Numio Account

For ease of use, the user can now make their Numio I.D through a Google account. Furthermore, the Numio app allows identity confirmation and verification through blockchain and biometrics. The app holds proof of verification that cannot be edited, this includes a function for facial recognition. You can also sign up for other exchanges by using your verified identity without making another account for them.

Google I.D Logins & Its Benefits

Google logins help users to directly get a Numio I.D by using the information on their Google account. Plus, users now have the option to keep their private key safe using an encryption key in the Numio app, Google helps the user to store their account’s secret decryption key in the GDrive else it was impossible without Google’s account.

Facial Recognition

This feature helps during the KYC process as it becomes the most reliable security where the user will scan their face to verify the document is legit and belongs to the same user. Moreover, this becomes a unique identifier for the Numio I.D and whenever the user tries to recover their account, they must verify themselves using this facial recognition.

The Registration Process

The registration follows 4 steps:

  • Generating Standard Wallet
    In this, a normal wallet is created where the user is provided with his private and public key.
  • Creating Numio Wallet
    The new Numio-ZkSync wallet is created for the user in this step which allows them to do batch transactions.
  • Identity Creation
    The KYCs of the user are now added to the database i.e, facial recognition and biometrics.
  • Registration Complete
    The registration is now complete and the Numio app is ready to use.

2. Perform Transactions

  • The view which appears after signing up displays the total balance in your wallet app. The user sees the option to “Request” or “Pay” the tokens. He can also view transaction history.
    The new Numio user will also see a pop-up to backup the recovery key to his Google account.
  • The user has options to use features like deposit, withdraw, purchase, import wallet, and make internal transfers.
  • The app lets you scan the QR code for verification and signing into other third-party applications.
  • Users can also change the tokens and see the equivalent of each in USD.
  • To withdraw, the user needs to fill in the information required as shown and click “Withdraw”.
  • Similarly, to make an internal transfer, after filling in the details, the user has to click “Confirm” to confirm the transaction.
  • To purchase, the user can select “Purchase Crypto” and enter the amount he needs to purchase.
  • In the Identity tab at the bottom, the user can verify his identity.

Current Standings:

The app is being integrated with other exchange apps such as Numio Vault. Numio supports WBTC, PHNX, USDC.




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