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Overview This part serves a next step after completing part 1 of the guide. In part 1, we discussed the different components that are needed to bootstrap a simple network. We formed one organization, created a channel, and joined that organization to that channel. In this part, we are going to write a chaincode (smart contract), […]

written by

Abdul Sami


March 15, 2019

There are two ways to go about building applications on Hyperledger Fabric framework. The first method is to use Composer and the other is work directly on core Fabric and writing chaincode using Golang, Node.js, or Java. What is Composer and why you should stay away from it? Hyperledger Composer is a set of tools […]

written by

Abdul Sami


February 23, 2019

Hyperledger Fabric is an exciting technology and is progressing rapidly with the approach of move fast and break things so it can sometimes turn out to be a soul-destroying task to set up the Fabric development environment. Even the official documentation falls short of discussing everything there is in setting up the environment. So, I […]

written by

Abdul Sami


February 15, 2019

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Zero-knowledge proofs are cryptographically advanced proofs which are being used by many blockchain protocols to attain privacy and scala...

written by

Rabia Fatima


Apr 29, 2022

This article aims to reach a conclusion and spread awareness about the interactive cryptographic systems and non-interactive cryptographi...

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Mar 18, 2022

This article is greatly inspired by Vitalik explanation on Quadratic arithmetic programs(QAPs). In this article we are going to take a di...

written by

Rabia Fatima


Mar 17, 2022

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